
Process of the sheet material cutting with the help of highly-concentrated power source.

The process can be used for a cutting out of different configuration details from sheet materials. In quality of highly-concentrated source can appear laser beam, plasma and others. The invention can be used in machine, textile, electrotechnical, wood working industries. Process lies in the fact, that the cutting out details allocate in a continuous chain on a sheet, and each detail, since first, has with the subsequent one a contact point, equal to cutting width, while the cutting out of details is carried out since first in the chain and further up to the last. The last detail is cutted out completely. Further all is realized in the return order. Feature of this process is that in contact point of details is carried out the passing from one cutting out detail into another. Using of the offered process allows completely to reduce number of idle passings and by that to increase productivity.. Thus the operations of sheet cutting in are completely eliminated, that also increases productivity of cutting and improves quality of detail.