
Device for laser treating of sheet materials.

The device consists of manipulator, control system and laser. The manipulator has two crossarms, disposed in parallel, on which the cross piece moves along an axis X. The lens, disposed on the crossarm, moves along an axis Y. Distinctive feature of given device is that the technological laser is parted into the functional block, including power supply, system of laser operation security, volume with working gases and optical resonator. The laser head is disposed on a cross piece and is fixed rigidly with a lens. The functional block is disposed on a moving unit and moves separately from a manipulator cross piece. The communication between laser head and functional block is carried out with the help of communications lead unit. The laser head can be disposed on the cross piece vertically, with the opportunity of rotating concerning an axis of output beam, in such a manner, that the vector of output beam polarization coincides with a direction of focusing lens moving. The application of given device will allow to use high power lasers, that essentially expandes its technical opportunities at high dynamic characteristics.